Introducing Myself: A Backend Engineer
Hello there! My name is Vafa Karamzadegan, and I am a backend engineer with experience working with various programming languages and technologies.
My Skills 💪
I have had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, and I am always eager to learn new technologies to expand my skill set. While I'm not an expert in every area, I am almost proficient in several programming languages, including Python, PHP, and Golang. I'm always working to improve my skills and gain more experience in these areas.
Linux and Server Management 🐧
Over time, I have been able to set up and configure my own servers, gaining extensive knowledge of working with Linux servers and deploying applications in various environments. This experience has given me valuable skills in Docker and experience in deploying applications in a variety of environments. I also have experience with networking, virtualizor, and ESXi, making me a valuable asset to any project that involves hosting or server management.
Writing and Sharing Knowledge 📚
Apart from development work, I enjoy writing and sharing my experiences and ideas with others through my blog. I believe in the power of sharing knowledge and strive to be an active participant in the community.
My Github Repositories
I also have a number of repositories on my Github profile where I share my projects and collaborate with other developers. I am passionate about contributing to the open-source community and believe in the importance of sharing knowledge.
Thank You!
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. If you have any questions or potential project ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.